European Net Zero Alliance: Fit for 55 must champion sector integration
ePURE joins other members of ENZA, the European Net Zero Alliance, in calling for the EU's Fit for 55 package to make the most of cross-sectoral solutions for achieving 2030 and 2050 energy and climate objectives.
“The Fit for 55 package is key to bridging the ambition gap towards 2030 and reaching climate neutrality by 2050. It should create a predictable and well-designed policy framework," said ENZA Chair Jori Ringman. "Through a market-based approach, the new framework should provide end-users from all energy consuming sectors with a wider variety of reliable and flexible renewable and low-carbon options at affordable prices.”
ENZA calls on EU policymakers to ensure that the new framework:
- Takes a technology-neutral approach so that all sustainable energy vectors are promoted
- Delivers on an extended principle of “energy and system efficiency first” that needs to apply across the entire energy value chain, from energy consumption, transmission, distribution and generation to cross-sectoral and cross-vectoral solutions
- Encourages synergies among reliable, credible and tradable energy vectors to achieve a well-integrated and well-functioning decarbonised energy system
- Builds on and promotes the utilisation of existing infrastructure across all sectors to provide reliable cost-effective decarbonisation pathways
- Supports a system approach, fostering decarbonisation across sectors and energy vectors, through clear network access rules, infrastructure planning and accurate price signals
- Designs an EU-wide market that encourages the development of renewable and low-carbon energy through reliable, credible and tradable solutions.